Master Planning


The existing seven hectare Bonar Street precinct site located in the southern Sydney suburb of Arncliffe is undergoing major redevelopment following rezoning from light industrial to residential landuses.

Brewster Murray was responsible for design and preparation of the redevelopment masterplan and drafting Rockdale’s Development Control Plan.

Primary objectives for rezoning included provision of high quality design outcomes that support and increase local population while providing a sustainable existing local community centre.

Apartment development ranges from four to eight storeys accommodating up to 1400 contemporary apartments. 

Vibrant public spaces include a community park, central square, pedestrian and cycle links and improved streetscapes, which also increase site permeability.
The master plan incorporates sustainable urban design initiatives including:
• Extension of existing road, pedestrian and cycle networks, 
• Increasing connectivity and attractiveness of sustainable transport networks,
• Provision of community and commercial facilities, 
• Supporting residents and promoting local activity,
• Introduction of an integrated storm water managements system,
• Utilising water-sensitive urban design infrastructure engineering solutions,
• Provision of attractive indigenous landscaping.